Command Line Parameters:
Command Line Parameters:
-Port <Port Value> - KMS Port. Range from 1 to 65535
-PWin <PID> - Windows PID
-PO14 <PID> - Office 2010 PID
-PO15 <PID> - Office 2013 PID
-PO16 <PID> - Office 2016 PID
-AI <Interval> - Activation Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
-RI <Interval> - Renewall Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
-Debug - Detailed info.
-Log - Log file Enabled.
-Hwid <HWID> - Machine Hardware Hash.
KMSSS /? | -?
KMSSS -Port 1688 -Pwin RandomKMSPID -PO14 RandomKMSPID -PO15 RandomKMSPID -PO16 RandomKMSPID -AI 43200 -RI 43200 -Log -Hwid DD279A0090B8D83E
sc.exe create KMSEmulator binPath= "KMSSS.exe -Port 1688 -PWin RandomKMSPID ...." type= own start= auto
-Port <Port Value> - KMS Port. Range from 1 to 65535
-PWin <PID> - Windows PID
-PO14 <PID> - Office 2010 PID
-PO15 <PID> - Office 2013 PID
-PO16 <PID> - Office 2016 PID
-AI <Interval> - Activation Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
-RI <Interval> - Renewall Interval. Range from 15 to 43200 minutes
-Debug - Detailed info.
-Log - Log file Enabled.
-Hwid <HWID> - Machine Hardware Hash.
KMSSS /? | -?
KMSSS -Port 1688 -Pwin RandomKMSPID -PO14 RandomKMSPID -PO15 RandomKMSPID -PO16 RandomKMSPID -AI 43200 -RI 43200 -Log -Hwid DD279A0090B8D83E
sc.exe create KMSEmulator binPath= "KMSSS.exe -Port 1688 -PWin RandomKMSPID ...." type= own start= auto
Пароль на архив / Archive password: 2024
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